Desde la página de nos llega un nuevo video para mostrarnos los avances de este futuro programa de simulación de coasters.
"We are absolutely serious about that the NoLimits2 engine is fully capable of simulating complex fun fair rides. In order to proof that, we created the video below. It features a full blown complex flat ride at a fun fair scene.
Here is an uncomplete list of effects you see in the video.
Flat ride scene object 'Tango'
Olympia Looping track imported from NL1
External ride view for 'Tango' and camera flight
Invisible coaster track used for path as part of the camera flight
Various additional lights all over the place, some are casting shadows
Volumetric fog effect using Z-Feather sprites
Volumetric light effectHalo effectSpecial spot lights with projected textures
Complex scripting controlling lights, flat ride objects and effects
Animated light textures created with internal toolDynamic Day/Night cycleMotion blurWalk mode
Scripted music (.ogg files)
The first onride scenes were made using NL1
Hardly any post processing was used to make this video. Except for the video transitions and added text, everything comes directly from the engine. The motion blur effect is a non-realtime special effect part of the new improved AVI/MOV export. It is a professional feature to be used to simulate the shutter and exposure time of a real video camera. All the animations except for the coaster itself and the lights on the coaster loops and lift were made possible using the internal scripting language. Some special effects are a clever combination of special material settings, scripting and 3ds object triangles. Everything is user-land, that means users will be able to create similar rides, as long as they are familiar with scene object modelling (.3ds or .lwo) and have some advanced programming skills in an object oriented language. The engine's scripting language is my own design, it is object oriented and combines a subset of features from Java and C#. The team hopes you enjoy the video. Hopefully the video will make your wait for the final product less annoying. We are about 95% done with it, the ToDo list gets smaller each day. [ol]"
95% chicos...ya queda poco.